Group of Professionals in Precision Machining
Started with just one old machine, our Factory has developed young specialists who helped to transform it into a Professional Re-Engineering Plant.
Our operators are in love with their machines.
Engineers process parts utilizing each machine to the maximum limit of its performance.
Group of Professionals Fully Dedicated to Specific Field
In a challenge to become world best professional working with difficult to process materials, each worker is aiming to become a professional with special field knowledge.
Each individual from experienced craftsman to young engineer in Kouno Seisakusyo is committed to his work with high motivation, aspiration and challenge. With experts conducting training of young engineers, our company continues to stay vibrant with life.
- Fulfilling 98% of Customer Request
- Achieving Delivery in Minimum of 3 Days
- Cutting-edge Equipment merged with Technology
- Group of Professionals in Precision Machining